Name Effect Categories
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 C Tick
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 D
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 D Tick
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 E
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 E Tick
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 F
AI DryadSiren Spin Phase3 F Tick
AI Fulgoris Victory Buff
Gaz vicié Debuff Poison Dot BossDebuff CC
AI UndeadShamanChainDamage
Chapelet de foudre
Lonely Buff Haste
Sombre brûlure Debuff Burn Dot BossDebuff
AI Thorpe Wall Burn
AI Thorpe Burn Apply
AI Thorpe Force Grab Attach
AI Thorpe Force Grab Tracker
AI Thorpe Darkness Calls Tracker
AI Thorpe Darkness Calls Corruption
AI Thorpe Hunger Of The Void Corruption
AI Thorpe Phase 1 to 2 Transition
Hollow Tempest
AI Thorpe Phase 1 MinHealth
AI Mage Miniboss Heal Buff
AI Mage Miniboss BuffMinion Buff
Essence occulte
AI Mage Miniboss Orbs StatusEffect Cast
Maladie Debuff Disease Debilitate
PlaguedGhost DiseaseSwarm Debuff
PlaguedGhost AcidSpray Debuff
Ralentissement gelé Debuff Slow CC
Étourdissement retenu Debuff Stun CC
Brûlure Debuff Burn Dot
Choc Debuff Shock CC
Détrempé Debuff Slow CC
@UndeadSpew_DisplayName Debuff Slow CC
Défoncé Debuff Stun CC
Brûlâme Debuff Burn Dot
Brûlâme Debuff Burn Dot
Estomac plein Buff Recovery
Folie Buff Recovery
Spores fortifiantes Buff Empower
@BogMonsterSwarm_DisplayName NonDispellableDebuff BossDebuff
Bog Monster RemoveStamina
AG Heavy Revive State
ForestSpriggan Heal
TaskMaster AttackBuff