Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Teinture déchet Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture marron selle Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture obsidienne ternie Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture ocre foncé Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture lichen forestier Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture marron roussâtre Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture poussière Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture argent délicat Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture amande brute Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture cuivre Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture corail éclatant Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vermillon paradis Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture amarante Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture pierre rose Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture pêche des champs Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture palourde Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture chocolat Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vanille intense Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture cuir usé Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture piment rouge Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture crème vieillie Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture carmin moyen Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture désert Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture ardoise brune Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture ambre dénaturé Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture cannelle Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture mousse sombre Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture rhum chaud Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture Sienne naturelle Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture sable délicat Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture orge coupée Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture courage Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture ficelle Can be bought in shop
Common I
Teinture vert de Verdun Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture herbe palustre Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture mousse d'automne Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vase tiède Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture avocat Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture brume tropicale Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture jade ternie Can be bought in shop
Common I
Teinture pesto Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture layette Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture malachite trouble Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vert viride Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture saule paisible Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vert des profondeurs Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture vert minéral Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture aigue-marine castrale Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture cyan pastel Can be crafted
Common I
Teinture cobalt pâle Can be crafted
Common I