Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Desseins trompeurs Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Cuirasse de conquérant Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Casque de conquérant Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Jambières de conquérant Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bottes de conquérant Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gantelets de conquérant Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Manteau de pillard Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau de pillard Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon de pillard Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bottes de pillard Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gants de pillard Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chemise de tacticien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau de tacticien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon de tacticien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chaussures de tacticien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gants de tacticien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Cuirasse de marcheur funeste Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Casque de marcheur funeste Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau d'éclaireur pieux Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Manteau d'éclaireur pieux Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chemise de voleur honnête Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau de voleur honnête Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Amulette d'Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Serment oublié Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Souvenir des divins Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Anneau de chirurgien Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Boucle d'oreille fantaisiste Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Cuirasse de Neishatun Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Casque de Neishatun Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Jambières de Neishatun Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bottes de Neishatun Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gantelets de Neishatun Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chemise racornie Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau racorni Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon racorni Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chaussures racornies Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gants racornis Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chemise subtile Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chapeau subtil Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon subtil Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Chaussures subtiles Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Gants subtils Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Oripeaux de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Casque de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Bottes de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Protège-poignets de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Couvre-poitrine de l'excroissance viciée Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Coiffe enflammée de l'excroissance viciée Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Pantalon de l'excroissance viciée Can be crafted Legendary V 625